Windows 10 Dialog Box
Dialog boxes in the AWR Design Environment are cut off and not all the information is displayed. To change the windows font on Windows 10. The secret is to change all the default file type associations, which can only be accomplished by going to the old-school Control Panel and opening the Set All Defaults dialog box.
Many users including me were used to seeing the “Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?” confirmation dialogue after deleting a file temporarily. But this handy feature is turned off by default in Windows 10. Here I will show you how to bring back the Windows 10 confirm delete using two simple fixes.
- 2 Bring Back Windows 10 Confirm Delete Dialog Box
Why Enable The Delete Confirmation Dialogue Box in Windows 10!
The Windows 10 delete confirmation is a safety warning that pops up when you delete a file. It was added to prevent accidental deletion of important files. Instead of deleting the file immediately, you will be greeted with the “Are you sure you want to delete” dialog box.
When the delete confirmation box is enabled, you will see a confirmation dialogue asking if you are sure about deleting the file. If you changed your mind midway, you can prevent the deletion from completing by pressing no.
Note: You will still see the dialogue box when you permanently delete a file (Shift + Delete) by default.
Bring Back Windows 10 Confirm Delete Dialog Box
Here I will discuss two methods to enable the confirm delete dialogue box.
# Method 1 (Recycle Bin Properties)
To enable the delete confirmation dialogue in Windows 10, the simplest method to do so is from the Recycle Bin Properties dialogue box. Here are the methods to enable the confirmation dialogue box in Windows 10.
- From the desktop, right click on the Recycle Bin icon and select Properties.
Alternatively, in Search type Recycle Bin and press Enter to open the trash folder and right click to open the context menu, select Properties from there.
2. Under the General tab, below the Size allocation subsection, you will find a checkbox next to ‘Display delete confirmation dialog’
3. Check the box and click Apply.
Following this, Windows will now display thedelete confirmation dialogue box when you attempt to delete a file from your storage.
However, some users have reported that the checkbox was grayed out when they tried to enable the delete confirmation in Windows 10. You can follow these steps to overcome that hurdle as well.
# Method 2 (Group Policy Editing)
If you too are facing this dilemma of the confirmation checkbox being disabled, here is a Group Policy tweak you can make to make sure Windows asks for a confirmation before attempting to move a file to recycle bin.
Hi Vkbooth,Thank you for visiting Microsoft Answers. Which version of Windows Vista is installed on your computer?. Were you able to establish remote desktop connection earlier?. Is your computer connected to any domain or server?Let’s try to reconfigure the remote desktop settings by following the steps given under ‘How do I install Remote Desktop Connection? No remote desktop license server is available. ‘and ‘How do I enable Remote Desktop Connection on the computer I want to connect to?
- Open the Group Policy Editor. Type msc in a Run dialogue and press Enter.
- Navigate to the following path from the left pane of the Local Group Policy Editor:
3. Locate and double click to modify the following Policy:
Display confirmation dialog when deleting files
4. Select Enabled radio button to enable the delete confirmation dialogue in Windows 10.
5. Save the changes and close the Local Group Policy Editor and Refresh the Desktop.
Enabling the policy changes the settings to always display the Windows 10delete confirmation dialogue.
The delete file dialogue box is useful against the accidental deletion of files from your system. So, there you have it. Now you know how to enable the ‘Windows 10 confirm delete’ dialog box. Comment below if you found this post useful and discuss further on the same.
-->A dialog box is a temporary window an application creates to retrieve user input. An application typically uses dialog boxes to prompt the user for additional information for menu items. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls (child windows) with which the user enters text, chooses options, or directs the action.
Windows also provides predefined dialog boxes that support common menu items such as Open and Print. Applications that use these menu items should use the common dialog boxes to prompt for this user input, regardless of the type of application.
In This Section
Name | Description |
About Dialog Boxes | Discusses using dialog boxes in the user interface for your applications. |
Dialog Box Programming Considerations | This overview discusses some programming considerations concerning dialog boxes. |
Using Dialog Boxes | You use dialog boxes to display information and prompt for input from the user. |
Dialog Box Reference | The API Reference |
Common Dialog Box Library | Discusses using the common dialog boxes in the user interface for your applications. |
Dialog Box Functions
Name | Description |
CreateDialog | Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource. |
CreateDialogIndirect | Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. |
CreateDialogIndirectParam | Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. Before displaying the dialog box, the function passes an application-defined value to the dialog box procedure as the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message. An application can use this value to initialize dialog box controls. |
CreateDialogParam | Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog box template resource. Before displaying the dialog box, the function passes an application-defined value to the dialog box procedure as the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message. An application can use this value to initialize dialog box controls. |
DefDlgProc | Calls the default dialog box window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that a dialog box with a private window class does not process. |
DialogBox | Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. DialogBox does not return control until the specified callback function terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function. |
DialogBoxIndirect | Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. DialogBoxIndirect does not return control until the specified callback function terminates the modal dialog box by calling the EndDialog function. |
DialogBoxIndirectParam | Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template in memory. Before displaying the dialog box, the function passes an application-defined value to the dialog box procedure as the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message. An application can use this value to initialize dialog box controls. |
DialogBoxParam | Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog box template resource. Before displaying the dialog box, the function passes an application-defined value to the dialog box procedure as the lParam parameter of the WM_INITDIALOG message. An application can use this value to initialize dialog box controls. |
DialogProc | An application-defined callback function used with the CreateDialog and DialogBox families of functions. It processes messages sent to a modal or modeless dialog box. The DLGPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. DialogProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. |
EndDialog | Destroys a modal dialog box, causing the system to end any processing for the dialog box. |
GetDialogBaseUnits | Retrieves the system's dialog base units, which are the average width and height of characters in the system font. For dialog boxes that use the system font, you can use these values to convert between dialog template units, as specified in dialog box templates, and pixels. For dialog boxes that do not use the system font, the conversion from dialog template units to pixels depends on the font used by the dialog box. |
GetDlgCtrlID | Retrieves the identifier of the specified control. |
GetDlgItem | Retrieves a handle to a control in the specified dialog box. |
GetDlgItemInt | Translates the text of a specified control in a dialog box into an integer value. |
GetDlgItemText | Retrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box. |
GetNextDlgGroupItem | Retrieves a handle to the first control in a group of controls that precedes (or follows) the specified control in a dialog box. |
GetNextDlgTabItem | Retrieves a handle to the first control that has the WS_TABSTOP style that precedes (or follows) the specified control. |
IsDialogMessage | Determines whether a message is intended for the specified dialog box and, if it is, processes the message. |
MapDialogRect | Converts the specified dialog box units to screen units (pixels). The function replaces the coordinates in the specified RECT structure with the converted coordinates, which allows the structure to be used to create a dialog box or position a control within a dialog box. |
MessageBox | Displays a modal dialog box that contains a system icon, a set of buttons, and a brief application-specific message, such as status or error information. The message box returns an integer value that indicates which button the user clicked. |
MessageBoxEx | Creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons. The buttons are in the language of the system user interface. |
MessageBoxIndirect | Creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains application-defined message text and title, any icon, and any combination of predefined push buttons. |
SendDlgItemMessage | Sends a message to the specified control in a dialog box. |
SetDlgItemInt | Sets the text of a control in a dialog box to the string representation of a specified integer value. |
SetDlgItemText | Sets the title or text of a control in a dialog box. |
Dialog Box Messages
Name | Description |
DM_GETDEFID | Retrieves the identifier of the default push button control for a dialog box. |
DM_REPOSITION | Repositions a top-level dialog box so that it fits within the desktop area. An application can send this message to a dialog box after resizing it to ensure that the entire dialog box remains visible. |
DM_SETDEFID | Changes the identifier of the default push button for a dialog box. |
Dialog Box Notifications
Name | Description |
WM_CTLCOLORDLG | Sent to a dialog box before the system draws the dialog box. By responding to this message, the dialog box can set its text and background colors using the specified display device context handle. |
WM_ENTERIDLE | Sent to the owner window of a modal dialog box or menu that is entering an idle state. A modal dialog box or menu enters an idle state when no messages are waiting in its queue after it has processed one or more previous messages. |
WM_GETDLGCODE | Sent to the window procedure associated with a control. By default, the system handles all keyboard input to the control; the system interprets certain types of keyboard input as dialog box navigation keys. To override this default behavior, the control can respond to the WM_GETDLGCODE message to indicate the types of input it wants to process itself. |
WM_INITDIALOG | Sent to the dialog box procedure immediately before a dialog box is displayed. Dialog box procedures typically use this message to initialize controls and carry out any other initialization tasks that affect the appearance of the dialog box. |
WM_NEXTDLGCTL | Sent to a dialog box procedure to set the keyboard focus to a different control in the dialog box. |
Dialog Box Structures
Name | Description |
DLGITEMTEMPLATE | Defines the dimensions and style of a control in a dialog box. One or more of these structures are combined with a DLGTEMPLATE structure to form a standard template for a dialog box. |
DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX | Describes an extended dialog box. For a description of the format of an extended dialog box template, see DLGTEMPLATEEX. |
DLGTEMPLATE | Defines the dimensions and style of a dialog box. This structure, always the first in a standard template for a dialog box, also specifies the number of controls in the dialog box and therefore specifies the number of subsequent DLGITEMTEMPLATE structures in the template. |
DLGTEMPLATEEX | An extended dialog box template begins with a DLGTEMPLATEEX header that describes the dialog box and specifies the number of controls in the dialog box. For each control in a dialog box, an extended dialog box template has a block of data that uses the DLGITEMTEMPLATEEX format to describe the control. |
MSGBOXPARAMS | Contains information used to display a message box. The MessageBoxIndirect function uses this structure. |