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Classroom Teaching Licenses | Synopsys Curriculum Materials & Design Kits |
Latest News
We are pleased to announce the availability of Synopsys Quantum ATK for atomic-scale modelling.
QuantumATK is a complete and fully integrated software toolkit for atomic-scale modelling. The combination of the NanoLab GUI, a Python scripting environment, and a parallel distributed processing platform, permits the seamless integration of the tool's different calculation modules into a common platform, enabling the straight-forward implementation of complex workflows. Quantum ATK is available at very low cost, 100 EURO per year for a bundle of 50 licenses.
QuantumATK supports a wide-range of complementary simulation engines, including: electronic-structure calculations using density functional theory or tight-binding model Hamiltonians, Green's-function methods for electron transport simulations and surface calculations, first-principles electron-phonon and electron-photon couplings, simulation of atomic-scale heat transport, ion dynamics, spintronics, optical properties of materials, static polarization, and more. Applications of particular relevance to semiconductors materials and devices, include:
- Simulation of carrier transport in new strongly-confined transistor channel materials
- Bandstructure calculations and the extraction of the carrier effective masses
- Exploration of alternative interconnect metals
- Modelling and optimization of metal-semiconductor contacts
- Simulation of spintronic memories
- Modelling mechanical collapse in fins and pillars during subsequent layer deposition steps
- Simulation of thermal transport in crystals, nanostructures, and interfaces
- Modelling of novel photovoltaic materials and devices
- …
Atomistic modelling provides a detailed insight into atomic-scale processes that can be used to complement traditional experimental approaches, thus potentially enabling faster research into new devices through a better informed predictive selection of new materials. The integration of QuantumATK with Sentaurus TCAD, provides a seamless flow from material to device modelling (and then onward into SPICE and the higher-level circuit design flow).
Front End and Verification Suite (FEV)
The Front End and Verification suite includes a wide range of tools for verification and synthesis of digital designs for ASICs & FPGAs targets. The FEV suite includes RTL ASIC Synthesis (Verilog, SystemVerilog and VHDL), FPGA Synthesis and Multi-FPGA partitioning, test insertion and ATPG, logic simulation (VHDL, Verilog, SystemC, SystemVerilog, and SVA), logical equivalence checking, signoff timing analysis (with signal integrity), signoff power analysis, multi-voltage simulation, multi-voltage structural checking, and fast spice simulation. Full details of the FEV suite…
ASIP Desginer
ASIP Designer is tool suite for creation of Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) for applications benefitting from highly specialized processing elements that are programmable in C. Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) typically deliver greater computational efficiencies than general purpose processors and more flexibility than fixed-function RTL designs. ASIP Designer allows rapid exploration of architectural choices, generationof a C/C++-compiler and automatic generation of power and area-optimized synthesizable RTL. ASIP Designer is available to users of the Front End and Verification (FEV) Suite as a zero cost add-on.Full details of ASIP Designer…
ASIC Implementation Suite (IMP)
The ASIC Implementation suite includes a range of tools for physical implementation of digital designs and physical design signoff. The ASIC Implementation suite includes IC Compiler II (ICC II) with Fusion technology that addresses the complexities of advanced process node design across the RTL-to-GDSII flow, and links physical synthesis, place & route, parasitic extraction and Physical Verification within a unified environment and single data model. Sportys garmin g1000 trainer. RedHawk Analysis Fusion is availavle as as a low-cost optional add-on for accurate power integrity functionality within IC Compiler II Full details of the ASIC Implementation Suite…
RedHawk Analysis Fusion
RedHawk Analysis Fusion is availavle as as a low-cost optional add-on for accurate power integrity functionality within IC Compiler II Full details of the RedHawk Analysis Fusion add-on…
Analogue Simulation & Modelling Suite (ASM)
The Analogue Simulation and Modelling suite includes a wide range of tools for full-custom design, analogue circuit simulation and verification, and mechatronic system modelling. The ASM suite includes Custom Compiler for full custom design plus a range of Spice and Fast-Spice, RF simulation capabilities. The Saber tool, included within the ASM suite offers multi-domain modelling (with VHDL-AMS or MAST HDL) covering a wide range of physical systems (electrical, thermal, mechanical, magnetic, hydraulic, etc.), all integrated with schematic capture, simulation and results analysis.Full details of the Analogue Simulation and Modelling suite…
Advanced TCAD Suite (TCAD)
The Advanced TCAD suite provides an extensive set of tools for semiconductor process and device modelling, with and integrated analysis scenario exploration environment. The Advanced TCAD suite includes tools for; 2D/3D process simulation and modelling, structure definition, device simulation, compact model generation, and 2D/3D interconnect field solvers.Full details of the Advanced TCAD suite…
QuantumATK (QATK)
QuantumATK is a complete and fully integrated software toolkit for atomic-scale modelling. It combines an intuitive graphical user interface with a Python scripting engine and a wide range of simulation engines. Full details of QuantumATK…
System Level Suite (SYSL)
The System Level Suite offers Platform Architect and Virtualiser for develop executable virtual prototypes. Full details of the System Level Tools suite…
OptoDesigner and OptSim Suites
Synopsys OptSim Circuit and Synopsys OptoDesigner are now available to Europractice members. Synopsys OptSim Circuit provides an environment for schematic capture and simulation of Photonic ICs (PICs). OptSim Circuit links with OptoDesigner which offers comprehensive photonic-aware layout and verification capabilities. OptSim Circuit coupled with OptoDesigner supports a wide range of Photonic technologies and PDKs. Full details of the OptSim and OptoDesigner suites…
Classroom Teaching license variants of the above tool suites are also available to Institutes where they have too few regular Europractice non-commercial research and training licenses for mass-class teaching. Full details of Classroom Teaching Licenses…
Synopsys provide a range of online resources. These resources include curriculum materials, 90nm generic library and access to the other online resources as part of SolvNet.
SolvNet is Synopsys' on-line portal providing access to a wide range of technical resources for the Synopsys tools. SolvNet and these other on-line resources are restricted to authorised users of Synopsys tools and a password is required. Also included within Synopsys on-line resources for Universities is a 90nm, 32/28nm Generic Libraries. These libraries (Design Kits) are based on a typical 90nm, 32/28nm technologies and include typical cell contents. These libraries are well suited to undergraduate teaching of ASIC design with the Synopsys tools. Additionally, Synopsys also offer access to a wealth of Curriculum Materials on a wide variety of topics. These curriculum materials range from whole semester courses to shorter specific technical presentations and these may be used as courseware for teaching purposes by University members.
SolvNet further details | Curriculum Materials further details | 90nm, 32/28nm Generic Design Kits further details |
How to Order
Orders are placed with the vendor on a single order, once per month. To be included in the current month's order, all documents must be received by the Microelectronics Support Centre no later than the 25th day of the month.
Detailed instructions on how to place an order are given in our Order Procedures.
If you are interested in Synopsys Low-Cost Classroom Teaching Licenses please click here.
- Synopsys Order Form 1 copy, electronic copy via e-mail accepted, and
- Purchase Order 1 copy, electronic copy via e-mail accepted
- Synopsys End User Agreement for Academic Institutes 1 copy, electronic copy (high quality, colour, scanned PDF) via e-mail accepted, or
- Synopsys End User Agreement for Research Laboratories Instructions as per Agreement for Academic Institutes, and
- Synopsys Customer End Use Export Screening Checklist Instructions as per End User Agreement
- End Usage Statement for Vendor Approval required when ordering first licenses of any new license bundle, 1 copy, electronic copy via e-mail accepted, can be e-mailed in advance of other paperwork
Last modified: January 10, 2020 |