Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 Controls

Sep 24, 2017


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Hey, I am very much enjoying the game but got little frustrated after finding out that some achievements are somehow bugged and steam marks them as completed only while fighting in two players mode, having only one controller and wanted to go for the 100% achievement score I decided to do a guide for those coping with the same problem. (I was able to do every 'finish' achievement with team 7).
First of all, make sure that you controller is turned off while starting the game (state where only keyboard is working), using only ENTER key, navigate into the second menu, there again, pres ENTER, the 'return to main menu' window should pop up, after this, TURN ON your controller and select NO then select free battle mode.

Free Battle Mode Menu

At this state, your controller should be assigned to 2P, to enable 1P press ENTER on the keyboard, now here comes relatively tougher part as to how to choose and control our favourite ninjas using the keyboard as the only way TO GET THE ACHIEVEMENTS IS TO PLAY AS player 1, meaning using keyboard.

Part #1 - Selecting Ninjas

To navigate WASD keys will do the trick, to select chosen ninja press 'L' key, same goes for support ninjas. Then press 'L' again to get ready for battle.

Part #2 - Getting The Achievements

2P is static so it should't be problem to do most of the achievements, if you know this:
On gamepad (I am using the Xbox One gamepad button naming) is on kerboard

  • 'Y' is 'O'
  • 'X' is 'K'
  • 'B' is '='
  • 'A' is 'L'
  • 'RB' is 'P'
  • 'LB' is 'Q'
  • 'RT' is 'I'
  • 'LT' is 'E'

So, for exaple, Fininsh the opponent with the supporting ninjutsu, you simply strike P2 (which is you controler) and when 'he' is on low health, you pres Q or P on the keyboard and get the achievement. (FYI Sasuke's fireball justu is ideal for this one).

Tricky Ones

  • Finish with a Support Combo! - This one is kinda hard, best way to do this is to mash '='(attack button), and after fourth hit press 'A' or 'D' and continue to attack, Naruto then launches the opponent in the air, and the support combo alert should appear on screen randomly wanting you to press either 'P' (as RB) or 'Q' (as LB). Try to not do the combo near the walls, beacause then there is a big chance the alert won't appear.

  • Finish while Awakened! - For this achievement, you need to use your controller and damage the P1 (keyboard) until 'he' has red HP bar, then simply aweaken using 'O' and finish off the controller :)

  • Prevent an Extra Hit! - Again, you need to use a controller first, launch the keyboard opponent into the air, and then on keyboard press, 'P', or 'Q'.

Recommended for You:
  • All Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Guides!

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1 – Health Bar

2 – Chakra Bar

3 – Storm Bar

4 – Substitution

5 – Ninja Artefacts

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6 – Information about specific key combination

7 – Timer

This section will show the in-game interface in the Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. The interface is very similar to other fighting games - it does not cover the view, and it contains only the most important information. However, there are a few differences between this game, and a 'typical' fighting game, in the form of Chakra bar, substitution segments, as well as Storm Bar.

The left upper corner shows the health bar of the character [1] - if it is depleted, the battle is over. [2] Shows the Chakra, which is an equivalent of mana / energy from other games - it allows the player to use different techniques or to strengthen normal attacks. [3] Shows the Storm Bar, which, during the course of the encounter (landing and taking hits) fill up - when this happens, it offers the possibility to use a special ability. [4] Shows the substitution segments - the number of segments which are completely filled represents the number of substitution that the character is able to use. In the lower left corner of the screen [5] there are Ninja Artifacts, which are wielded by the character. Opposite [6] there's an information about the possible key combination for a special ability. Between the health bars of both characters [7] there's the timer - if it reaches 0, the battle will be over.